Frequently Asked Questions

General Tournament Questions

Q: May I participate in the same event with different partners at the same tournament?

A: No, you may only participate once in an event at a single tournament. If you would like to participate with different partners on different presentations, you may register for additional tournaments. 

Q: May I participate in just limited prep (Interview or News Broadcasting)?

A: No, you will need to choose an additional event. The minimum number of speech events for a YSG2/3/Guild student are 2. Only one limited prep event per tournament.


Q: May I participate in both Interview and News Broadcasting?

A: No, you may only choose one limited preparation event. There is not time in the tournament round to participate in both.


Q: What is the maximum number of speech events I can choose?

A: Students are limited to the maximum number of events available to them at their YSG level, but not to exceed five events. Of this limit, there is a maximum of two team events and one recorded event.

Q: Must all partners attend a tournament to participate in a recorded event?

A: Yes, all partners in an event, including recorded events, must attend the same tournament in order to participate in that event.


Q: How many events with a partner may I choose?

A: The maximum number of team speech events is two.

Q: What is the purpose of packages which include multiple speech events?

A: We want you to get the most out of the time you will spend at the tournament. You will experience the most transformation, the most improvement, and the most fun if you spend the day practicing your speaking skills. The tournament is designed for just that. Practicing the basic public speaking skills over and over again will help you master those skills more quickly and you will feel more confident than if you just practice once a week in chapter. Imagine all the community platforms you will be ready for after the tournament!

Q: What do I do if I don't have speeches written for YSG 1?

A: Bring whatever you have and practice it! The purpose of a tournament is to practice and get feedback.

  • Impromptu is a limited preparation event so requires no preparation! It may be helpful to look over the list of questions and statements that may be posed so you are familiar with them. They can be found on the Speech Events page on the Impromptu Overview.
  • For Storytelling, you can use something as simple as a poem or scripture passage or even read a script taken from a book. Speakers may also bring a speech they prepared previously as a YCC student.
  • The Platform speech can be your Hello, My Name Is speech - even if it's only partially written. Bring whatever you have and practice it! You can continue to work on it after the tournament.

Q: I just finished YSG 1 and am excited to participate in Round Table but I don't have any YSG 2 speeches written. What do I do?

A: YSG 2 speakers cannot sign up for YSG 1 speeches so you will practice your YSG 1 speeches in the corresponding YSG 2 events. Be sure to read the event overview for each event found on the Speech Events page to be sure you meet all the requirements.

Hello My Name Is or My Favorite Bible Verse can be presented in Informative Speaking. You will need to make sure you bring a visual aid. Something simple is fine. Read the Informative Speaking Overview for more details.

Storytelling can be presented in Literary Interpretation. Again, check the Literary Interpretation Overview for rules and other helpful information.

Be sure to take advantage of Radio Broadcasting at in-person tournaments. It is the Limited Prep event for in-person YSG 2 and YSG 3 students and it needs no advanced preparation.

Q: May I participate in YSG 2 events if I am in YSG 3?

A: Yes. Except for YSG 1, speakers may participate in events for YSG levels they have already completed. This means that Guild Inductees can participate in both YSG 2 and YSG 3 events as well as their Guild level events.

Q: What accommodation can be made for a student with special needs?

A: Tournaments are not staffed to work individually with students. It is recommended that parents work with their student to develop their own unique strategy to navigate the particular needs of the student and the event. A conversation with the Tournament Coordinator prior to registration(4 weeks out) will be very important to help parents understand the logistics and options to consider when developing that plan.

Q: What should I bring to an In-Person Tournament?

A: You may want to bring an extra copy of your script to keep with you. Don't forget a water bottle, snack, paper and pen or pencil. Sticky notes and a highlighter are helpful for News Broadcast.

Q: What should I wear to the tournament?

A: In order to practice dressing for our audience at both online and in-person tournaments, all students are asked to exhibit neat and professional appearance as a way to demonstrate respect for others and the platform. Smart casual, such as collared shirts or dress blouses with slacks/khakis/nice jeans or skirts/dresses, is appropriate.

Q: What is the deadline for dropping events?

A:  All changes to registration should be made by close of registration deadline. Speakers should make every effort to present the speeches for which they registered and not give up too early just because they think they can't do it. Tournaments are a practice environment so speakers are encouraged to practice what they do have prepared. In rare circumstances where that is not possible, early notification is helpful. A link to a Drop Form is available on the Tournament Information page under Registration Changes.

Q: If there is an issue with my script submission will I still be able to participate?

A: All speakers will practice their presentations during the tournament regardless of whether or not their submissions are compliant. Speakers are given an opportunity to correct non-compliant script submissions and re-submit before the tournament begins. The Tournament Coordinator and Adjudication Committee will determine whether YSG 2, 3, and Guild speakers will participate in competition.

Q: Do I need to be present for the entire tournament?

A: Speakers who commit to in-person tournaments attend from their check-in time through the ICC Showcase when they register. YSG 2, 3, and Guild speakers must compete in all their rounds and be present at the ICC Showcase in order to be eligible to receive an invitation to the International Tournament. Online tournaments allow for some breaks during the day. 

Q: What needs to be done if a student is attending without a parent?

A: The student will attend with a Chaperone, a non-parent adult at least 20 years old. That Chaperone is present for the entire tournament with the student and serves as an evaluator for speech or Round Table rounds.

Q. What is a chaperone responsible for during an in-person tournament?

A: Before the event, parents and chaperones should be familiar with the Liability Waiver found on the event registration, noting that ICC views the chaperone as the parent’s representative and fully responsible to address any issue pertaining to the student's needs and behaviors in the parent's absence. The chaperone and parents should discuss chaperone responsibilities and determine the best way to address them during the event. Parents may adapt a parental consent form (found on the web) for their own needs if they feel something written is required beyond the conversation. ICC does not require any written documentation.

Q. Could I receive an invitation to the International Championship at an In-person Tournament?

A: YSG2, 3, and Guild students are ranked and compete for conditional invitations to the International Championship Tournament. Because the International Championship is an online tournament, those receiving conditional invitations will activate those invitations by attending an online tournament and practicing in the same event. You do not have to receive a second invitation. Speakers who participate in an online tournament in the same event prior to receiving an invitation at an in-person tournament will have their conditional invitations activated upon receiving the invitation. 

Q: Can I participate in the new ICCFS events for 2021 (Audio Podcast, Video Podcast, Media Message) at an in-person tournament?

A: Audio Podcast, Video Podcast, and Media Message events are offered at online tournaments. You can find a list of available online tournament dates on the Registration page. 

Online Tournament Questions

Q. Can I attend an online tournament not hosted by my ICC area?

A: Yes! Online tournaments are open to all speakers in our ICC global community. Check the time zone for each tournament carefully so that you can adjust your local time to the tournament time. 

Q: Will I present my speech events live at online tournaments?

A: Yes, with the exception of the recorded events (Audio Podcast and Video Podcast), all speech events are presented live at online tournaments.

Q: Do I need to adapt my presentation for online?

A: As a competent, character-driven communicator who wants to connect with an audience, you will want to adapt your presentation for the online platform. Work with your mentors to adjust your blocking or visual aids to better engage an online audience. This is great practice for the real world when you may take a presentation to multiple audiences. 

Q: Do I need to stand up to present at the online tournament?

A: Your goal is to engage your audience. Consider how you can best do this for an online platform. You should adjust your space and camera as needed. Depending on the nature of your presentation, you may choose to stand or sit. 

Q: Do I need to update Zoom in order to participate in an online tournament?

A: Yes, we recommend that you update to the latest Zoom update prior to your online tournament. Zoom is frequently adding new features that enhance your tournament experience. You will need the latest version of Zoom in order to navigate the online tournament.

Q: Can I share a device with someone for the online tournament?

A: All participants, including Parent Evaluators, should have their own device for joining the online tournament as you will be moving separately to different breakout rooms. 

Q: Will there be a check-in for online tournaments?

A: Yes. There are two check-ins for online tournaments. You will attend a check-in the Monday prior to your online tournament. The Script Submission deadline is ten (10) days prior to the tournament date. Check the registration for each tournament for the specific date.  You’ll confirm your events and the receipt of your script submission documents at this check-in. On the day of your online tournament, you will arrive at your check-in time prior to the start of your rounds. Check the ICCFS tournament schedule for that time.

Q: Do I have to attend an online tournament to receive an invitation to the International Championship?

A: Invitations received at online tournaments are unconditional. The International Championship is an online tournament. We desire to equip you with the practice that sets you up for the greatest success presenting to online audiences. Invitations received at in-person tournaments are conditional. They are activated by attending an online tournament in the same event. You do not have to receive a second invitation in that event. 

Q: How many of the recorded events can I participate in at the online tournament?

A: You may participate in one recorded event at each online tournament (Audio Podcast or Video Podcast). In order to participate in another recorded event, register for a second or third online tournament.